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Contact Numbers | +61 3 9533 0000 | | |
Postal Address | PO Box 277, Caulfield South, VIC, Australia, 3162 |
Office hours | Office hours are from 8.30 to 17.30 (AEDT), Monday to Friday Current time: |
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Barrett Sales Blog
Have We Lost the Ability to Build Rapport?: In 30 seconds
In a world dominated by social media and hustle culture, the art of building rapport—a vital human skill—feels increasingly lost. Rapport fosters trust and connection, yet today, interactions...
A Journey of 30 Years: Taking the Road Less Travelled with Humanity at the Core: In 45 seconds
In 1995, with just $3,000, I set out to transform sales from soulless transactions to human-centred connections based on trust and shared value. Thirty years on, this philosophy has not...
2025: Top 10 Action Plan for Leaders, Teams & Capability Builders: In 20 seconds
As we step into 2025, it’s clear that the fundamentals of trust, empathy, and delivering value remain timeless. However, the tools, methods, and contexts in which we operate are changing...