Sales Essentials 70:20:10 Learning Philosophy

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To ensure that real learning takes place and endures, we emphasise and encourage a holistic approach by integrating both formal and informal elements. We believe that the most effective way to learn and develop a new skill or behaviour is to apply and practice it on the job and in real life situations.

Our learning and development philosophy is built upon how individuals internalise and apply what they learn based on how they acquire the knowledge.

We rely on the 70:20:10 formula* that describes how learning occurs:

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  • 70% from real life and on-the-job experiences, tasks and problem solving. This is the most important aspect of any learning and development plan. Many organizations agree in theory, but getting it right is another matter altogether.
  • 20% from feedback and from observing and working with role models. – coaching from peers, subject matter experts and mentors
  • 10% from formal training/learning so that participants gain a solid base of knowledge and skills.

At Sales Essentials we believe that the key elements to a successful learning process include both the “70:20:10 formula” and how individuals internalise and apply what they’ve learned. Therefore we ensure that our approach transfers our knowledge to our clients allowing them to embed the knowledge and skills developed from the interventions so that it can support every aspect of the 70:20:10 approach. We can help you choose the learning opportunity that’s right for you or your department.

* 70/20/10 learning concept was developed by Morgan McCall, Robert W. Eichinger, and Michael M. Lombardo at the Center for Creative Leadership and is specifically mentioned in The Career Architect Development Planner 3rd edition by Michael M. Lombardo and Robert W. Eichinger.

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