What is the correct title for a salesperson?

What is the correct title for a salesperson’s role? What should I call myself? This is a contentious issue… And a question we get asked frequently. The answer will depend on why you are asking the question. Are you asking because: You think the title ‘sales representative’ doesn’t adequately describe what you do. You are uncomfortable being called a ‘salesperson’ or ‘sales representative’ for whatever reason. You think ‘salesperson’ or […]

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Trust me, I’m a salesperson

When trust in business, and organisations in general, is low, no one is more affected by it than salespeople. Salespeople are at the frontline of the business. They are the visible face. So when things go pear-shaped, the ones who lose credibility and trust are salespeople themselves. The famous Edelman report and a study conducted by Roy Morgan reveal that trust in businesses is at the lowest it has been

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The Sales Juggling Act

Sales is integral to business. Without sales we don’t have a business. But running a sales operation, leading the sales effort and guiding and directing a sales team can be a constant juggling act. Sales operations have many moving parts and they all require constant vigilance and effective decision making. The execution risk is always high. Sales operations and teams are also fragile ecosystems. Set up well to perform to

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Four tips to spot business opportunities

How many people in your business are in contact with customers on a daily basis? How many of them would be presented with new business opportunities but wouldn’t know what they look like or what to do with them? Lately, we are hearing a common theme coming from CEOs, sales leaders, and partners at professional services firms: “My team cannot spot a business opportunity even when it’s right in front

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How to sell better in uncertain times

Here we go again. Global disarray, government elections, political scandals of betrayal and corruption. How do we keep our head when everyone else around us is losing theirs? How are we supposed to lead business and keep selling better when there’s a general feeling of uncertainty that makes decision making so difficult? There are those of us who have been around in business for some time now. Many of us

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6 Tips on How to Sell Value and Reposition Price

Another week goes by and another dozen stories of businesses discounting prices (or being asked to do so by their prospects or clients) appear. This week we heard about a few examples: a business being asked by a prospect to ‘give us a better price because you are doing a few things with us’, a business being told by a client, midway through a project, that ‘they would love to

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Check the ‘Sales Fitness’ of your Sales Operation

In order to achieve peak sales fitness, business and sales leaders and their sales teams need to adopt a Systems approach to sales operational excellence. Sales operations are complex variable systems with many moving parts—they do not follow a straight line; smart companies get this. They recognise that oversimplification is their enemy when it comes to developing and deploying effective sales strategies and functioning sales operations and teams. However, in

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Are you becoming a ‘Professional Visitor’?

A research paper from the US market from early 2019 stated that more and more sales teams are relying on renewals in revenue from their existing accounts which is giving them around 70 per cent of their annual sales revenues. On one hand, this sounds like good news. Sales teams understand the importance of retaining existing business with their clients. But you’ve got to ask yourself though, what does “retaining

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The rise of Ethical Selling

The History of Sales Methodologies Whitepaper, revised & updated Selling is a hot topic, especially the louder calls for more ethical, fairer, purpose driven business and selling practices. This got us revisiting our whitepaper, The History of Sales Methodologies – why some work and others don’t which we published in 2013. We wondered if there were enough significant changes in the last 6 years to warrant an update and revision.

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Using Intelligent Practice to improve sales results

In a time poor world, many people including sales leaders and salespeople often bemoan the fact that they cannot seem to make time for important things like continued professional development, coaching, and thorough planning thus leaving their evolution and sales results to chance. Rushing through the day, responding to ‘urgent’ matters and deadlines, getting in and out of sales meetings as quickly as possible, doing the bare minimum with CRM

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