Powered by Barrett
It all starts with a plan
Get started by choosing the course that’s right for you.
Sales Essentials Full Course
course contains all modules and content form every course below
delivered across 8 modules
Credly Digital Credential
Email Support
highly practical self-help course
work at your own pace over a period of 16 weeks
core messaging, value proposition and relevant business and market information
Sales Prospecting
prospecting tools and activities
delivered across 1 module
Credly Digital Credential
Email Support
highly practical self-help course
work at your own pace over a period of 4 weeks
core messaging, value proposition and relevant business and market information
Sales Planning
sales planning tools and activities
delivered across 2 modules
Credly Digital Credential
Email Support
highly practical self-help course
work at your own pace over a period of 6 weeks
core messaging, value proposition and relevant business and market information
Solution Selling
solution selling tools and activities
delivered across 3 modules
Credly Digital Credential
Email Support
highly practical self-help course
work at your own pace over a period of 6 weeks
core messaging, value proposition and relevant business and market information
Looking for organisational level training?
Sign up
If you are:
- a professional salesperson looking to hone or refresh your sales communication skills;
- working in a more technical environment but your role is changing and you have to include sales activities in your line of work;
- new to a sales and service career; or
- an internal stakeholder looking to successfully engage with others;
then this programme has been designed and built for you.
If you are:
- a salesperson developing or working on the effectiveness and efficiency of your sales planning capabilities;
- experienced in sales and looking to hone or refresh your sales planning skills;
- or an entrepreneur setting out to run your own business
then this programme has been designed and built for you.
If you are:
- a salesperson developing or working on the effectiveness and efficiency of your prospecting capabilities;
- experienced in sales and looking to hone or refresh your prospecting skills;
- or an entrepreneur setting out to run your own business
then this programme has been designed and built for you.
If you are:
- a professional salesperson looking to hone or refresh your sales skills;
- an entrepreneur setting out to run your own business;
- new to a sales and service career; or
- an internal stakeholder looking to successfully engage with others;
then this programme has been designed and built for you.
- go to the shop
- select a course
- for more information for each courses click the title
- select “add to cart”
- select continue to the checkout
- at the checkout you give your name and email address
- you pay
- on successful transaction you will be given access
- the initial password is send to you
Your details are safe. We only require your name and email address, the rest is optional. However we will not sell your details, period.
Our online shop does not store your credit card details. When you purchase anything from us the purchase process (i.e. giving your credit card details) is handled by our bank’s (ANZ) MIGS (Mastercard Internet Gateway Service). We only receive success or failure codes about the transaction – nothing else.
Yes, your account is safe.
We use multiple protection mechanism (Firewall, WAF, Scanners, etc). We only use “https” throughout the entire site, no data is visible. We also require a strong password for you to use.
Still searching for answers?
Speak to us about your needs.
Barrett Sales Blog